
Project ID: 159978

Build Monitor

Package Fedora 41
bluedevil -
breeze-gtk -
extra-cmake-modules -
flatpak-kcm -
grub2-breeze-theme -
kactivitymanagerd -
kcm_wacomtablet -
kde-cli-tools -
kdecoration -
kde-gtk-config -
kdeplasma-addons -
kf6 -
kf6-attica -
kf6-baloo -
kf6-bluez-qt -
kf6-breeze-icons -
kf6-frameworkintegration -
kf6-karchive -
kf6-kauth -
kf6-kbookmarks -
kf6-kcalendarcore -
kf6-kcmutils -
kf6-kcodecs -
kf6-kcolorscheme -
kf6-kcompletion -
kf6-kconfig -
kf6-kconfigwidgets -
kf6-kcontacts -
kf6-kcoreaddons -
kf6-kcrash -
kf6-kdav -
kf6-kdbusaddons -
kf6-kdeclarative -
kf6-kded -
kf6-kdesu -
kf6-kdnssd -
kf6-kdoctools -
kf6-kfilemetadata -
kf6-kglobalaccel -
kf6-kguiaddons -
kf6-kholidays -
kf6-ki18n -
kf6-kiconthemes -
kf6-kidletime -
kf6-kimageformats -
kf6-kio -
kf6-kirigami -
kf6-kitemmodels -
kf6-kitemviews -
kf6-kjobwidgets -
kf6-knewstuff -
kf6-knotifications -
kf6-knotifyconfig -
kf6-kpackage -
kf6-kparts -
kf6-kpeople -
kf6-kplotting -
kf6-kpty -
kf6-kquickcharts -
kf6-krunner -
kf6-kservice -
kf6-kstatusnotifieritem -
kf6-ksvg -
kf6-ktexteditor -
kf6-ktexttemplate -
kf6-ktextwidgets -
kf6-kunitconversion -
kf6-kuserfeedback -
kf6-kwallet -
kf6-kwidgetsaddons -
kf6-kwindowsystem -
kf6-kxmlgui -
kf6-modemmanager-qt -
kf6-networkmanager-qt -
kf6-prison -
kf6-purpose -
kf6-qqc2-desktop-style -
kf6-solid -
kf6-sonnet -
kf6-syndication -
kf6-syntax-highlighting -
kf6-threadweaver -
kgamma -
kglobalacceld -
kinfocenter -
kmenuedit -
kpipewire -
krdp -
kscreen -
kscreenlocker -
ksshaskpass -
ksystemstats -
kwayland -
kwayland-integration -
kwin -
kwrited -
layer-shell-qt -
libkscreen -
libksysguard -
libplasma -
ocean-sound-theme -
oxygen-sounds -
pam-kwallet -
plasma5support -
plasma-activities -
plasma-activities-stats -
plasma-breeze -
plasma-browser-integration -
plasma-desktop -
plasma-discover -
plasma-disks -
plasma-drkonqi -
plasma-firewall -
plasma-integration -
plasma-milou -
plasma-nano -
plasma-nm -
plasma-oxygen -
plasma-pa -
plasma-print-manager -
plasma-sdk -
plasma-systemmonitor -
plasma-systemsettings -
plasma-thunderbolt -
plasma-vault -
plasma-wayland-protocols -
plasma-welcome -
plasma-workspace -
plasma-workspace-wallpapers -
plymouth-kcm -
plymouth-theme-breeze -
polkit-kde -
powerdevil -
pulseaudio-qt -
qqc2-breeze-style -
sddm-kcm -
spectacle -
xdg-desktop-portal-kde -
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.