
Project ID: 85271

Build Monitor

Package Fedora 38
arbor succeeded
mlpack succeeded
NiaAML-GUI succeeded
pyproj succeeded
python-arviz succeeded
python-ast-monitor succeeded
python-astropy succeeded
python-bluepyopt succeeded
python-Bottleneck succeeded
python-contextualbandits succeeded
python-cro succeeded
python-dask succeeded
python-devicely failed
python-earthpy succeeded
python-elephant succeeded
python-ephyviewer succeeded
python-EvoPreprocess succeeded
python-fastavro succeeded
python-formulaic succeeded
python-geopandas succeeded
python-geoplot failed
python-google-cloud-automl succeeded
python-google-cloud-bigquery succeeded
python-google-cloud-bigquery-storage succeeded
python-hass-data-detective succeeded
python-hdfs succeeded
python-hdmf succeeded
python-hypothesis succeeded
python-imbalanced-learn succeeded
python-jsonpickle succeeded
python-libpysal succeeded
python-lsp-server failed
python-mapclassify succeeded
python-missingno succeeded
python-mizani succeeded
python-mne failed
python-mne-bids succeeded
python-moss succeeded
python-mplcursors failed
python-netpyne succeeded
python-networkx succeeded
python-neurom succeeded
python-neurosynth succeeded
python-niaaml succeeded
python-niaarm succeeded
python-niaclass succeeded
python-niapy succeeded
python-nilearn succeeded
python-opfunu succeeded
python-pandas failed
python-pandas-datareader succeeded
python-pandas-flavor succeeded
python-partd succeeded
python-patsy succeeded
python-pingouin succeeded
python-plotly succeeded
python-plotnine succeeded
python-probeinterface succeeded
python-pybids succeeded
python-pydata-sphinx-theme failed
python-pymc3 succeeded
python-pynwb succeeded
python-pypet succeeded
python-pyriemann succeeded
python-pyshtools succeeded
python-pytest-harvest succeeded
python-pytest-regressions succeeded
python-pytest-steps succeeded
python-rapidfuzz succeeded
python-SALib succeeded
python-scikit-uplift succeeded
python-sciunit succeeded
python-seaborn succeeded
python-sklearn-genetic-opt succeeded
python-sklearn-nature-inspired-algorithms succeeded
python-sport-activities-features succeeded
python-spyder-kernels succeeded
python-spyking-circus succeeded
python-statsmodels succeeded
python-tabulate succeeded
python-tqdm succeeded
python-traitsui succeeded
python-xarray succeeded
python-xbout failed
python-yfinance succeeded
root succeeded
rpy succeeded
R-reticulate succeeded
snakemake succeeded
wult failed
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.