
Project ID: 121917

Project Builds

Build ID Package Name Package Version Submitted Build Time Status
7542729 linkchecker 10.4.0-2 a month ago 55 seconds failed
7543449 linkchecker 10.4.0-2 a month ago a minute failed
7794583 mkosi 24-1 6 hours ago a minute failed
7794606 mkosi 24-1 6 hours ago a minute failed
7445940 babel 2.15.0-3 2 months ago 2 minutes succeeded
7444843 babel 2.15.0-3 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7476434 python-tomlkit 0.12.4-3 2 months ago 23 minutes succeeded
7487040 python-flask 1:3.0.3-2 2 months ago a minute succeeded
7495276 yt-dlp 2024.05.26-1 a month ago 4 minutes succeeded
7174891 python-pydantic 2.6.4-1 4 months ago 3 minutes failed
7712843 dlib 19.24.4-14 20 days ago 12 minutes failed
7718387 python-jedi 0.19.1-9 18 days ago a minute failed
7620590 babel 2.15.0-5 a month ago a minute failed
7620862 fmf 1.4.1-1 a month ago a minute failed
7212060 crypto-policies 20240320-1.git58e3d95 4 months ago 4 minutes succeeded
7212892 python-markupsafe 2.1.5-1 4 months ago a minute succeeded
7737867 python-pint 0.24.3-1 10 days ago 6 minutes failed
7188180 crypto-policies 20240320-1.git9e101c7 4 months ago 2 minutes succeeded
7738087 python-azure-core 2:1.30.2-1 10 days ago 2 minutes failed
7772985 python-pint 0.24.3-1 4 days ago a minute failed
7773012 python-azure-core 2:1.30.2-1 4 days ago a minute failed
7777185 python-fslpy 3.21.0-1 3 days ago 3 minutes failed
7777451 python-fslpy 3.21.0-1 3 days ago 4 minutes failed
7221561 efs-utils 1.36.0-1 3 months ago 8 minutes succeeded
7181799 python-msal 1.28.0-1 4 months ago a minute failed
7163825 python-twilio 9.0.2-1 4 months ago a minute succeeded
7265650 python-opentelemetry 1.24.0-2 3 months ago 8 minutes failed
7296373 python-jupyterlab-server 2.26.0-1 3 months ago 3 minutes succeeded
7296394 python-jupyterlab-server 2.26.0-3 3 months ago a minute succeeded
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.