
Project ID: 82341

Project Packages

Name Last Build Version Last Build Submitted Last Build Status Automatic Build Actions
actor-framework - - not built yet Disabled -
belcard - - not built yet Disabled -
blosc2 - - not built yet Disabled -
boxfort - - not built yet Disabled -
capnproto - - not built yet Disabled -
cherrytree - - not built yet Disabled -
clap 1.2.2-1 17 days ago succeeded Disabled -
clhep - - not built yet Disabled -
contour-terminal - - not built yet Disabled -
cpeditor - - not built yet Disabled -
cpuinfo - - not built yet Disabled -
crcpp - - not built yet Disabled -
dareader 0.0.0-1 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
deepin-image-editor 1.0.44-1 22 days ago failed Disabled -
deepin-pdfium - - not built yet Disabled -
deepin-session 1.2.13-1 16 days ago succeeded Disabled -
deepin-terminal - - not built yet Disabled -
deepin-util-dfm - - not built yet Disabled -
dtk6core - - not built yet Disabled -
dtk6declarative 6.0.19-1 11 days ago failed Disabled -
dtk6gui - - not built yet Disabled -
dtk6log 0.0.1-1 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
dtk6widget 6.0.18-1 2 months ago failed Disabled -
dtkcore 5.6.32-1 2 months ago failed Disabled -
dtkdeclarative 5.6.32-1 2 months ago failed Disabled -
dtklog 0.0.1-1 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
dtkmultimedia 1.0.6-1 4 months ago failed Disabled -
dwayland - - not built yet Disabled -
elvish - - not built yet Disabled -
f3d - - not built yet Disabled -
ffmpegthumbnailer - - not built yet Disabled -
foonathan-memory - - not built yet Disabled -
ftxui - - not built yet Disabled -
furnace - - not built yet Disabled -
gensio - - not built yet Disabled -
glsl-language-server - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-github-linuxdeepin-gir 3.0.4-1 4 months ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-linuxdeepin-x11-client 1.0.2-1 4 months ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-pjbgf-sha1cd - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-github-skeema-knownhosts - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-pkg-nimblebun-lsp - - not built yet Disabled -
goldendict - - not built yet Disabled -
goldendict-ng - - not built yet Disabled -
graphblas - - not built yet Disabled -
gtksourceviewmm3 - - not built yet Disabled -
hardinfo2 - - not built yet Disabled -
harminv - - not built yet Disabled -
heyoka - - not built yet Disabled -
hugo - - not built yet Disabled -
hypre - - not built yet Disabled -
kaidan - - not built yet Disabled -
kddockwidgets - - not built yet Disabled -
kf5-kdecoration 5.27.11-1 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
kf5-layer-shell-qt 5.27.11-1 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
kolorfill - - not built yet Disabled -
lfortran - - not built yet Disabled -
lib2geom - - not built yet Disabled -
libbacktrace - - not built yet Disabled -
libctl - - not built yet Disabled -
libcyaml - - not built yet Disabled -
libgig - - not built yet Disabled -
libjodycode - - not built yet Disabled -
liblc3 - - not built yet Disabled -
libomemo-c - - not built yet Disabled -
librdkafka - - not built yet Disabled -
libsc - - not built yet Disabled -
libunicode - - not built yet Disabled -
libunifex - - not built yet Disabled -
lsp-common-lib - - not built yet Disabled -
lsp-dsp-lib - - not built yet Disabled -
lunasvg - - not built yet Disabled -
marknote - - not built yet Disabled -
mfem - - not built yet Disabled -
mogan - - not built yet Disabled -
mozjpeg - - not built yet Disabled -
mpdevil - - not built yet Disabled -
nanoflann - - not built yet Disabled -
nanopb - - not built yet Disabled -
ncnn - - not built yet Disabled -
opendht - - not built yet Disabled -
ospray - - not built yet Disabled -
pagmo2 - - not built yet Disabled -
paho-c - - not built yet Disabled -
paho-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
pan - - not built yet Disabled -
pangolin 0.9.2-1 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
ptl - - not built yet Disabled -
python-annarchy 4 months ago failed Disabled -
python-blosc2 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-cogapp - - not built yet Disabled -
python-esbonio - - not built yet Disabled -
python-fenics-ufl - - not built yet Disabled -
python-fontbakery - - not built yet Disabled -
python-lsprotocol - - not built yet Disabled -
python-m3u8 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-nanopb - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ndindex - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pygls - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pyspellchecker - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pytesseract - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pytest-lsp - - not built yet Disabled -
python-ratinabox - - not built yet Disabled -
python-rstcheck-core - - not built yet Disabled -
python-setuptools-git-versioning - - not built yet Disabled -
python-sqlfluff - - not built yet Disabled -
python-types-pygments - - not built yet Disabled -
python-types-setuptools - - not built yet Disabled -
python-vedo - - not built yet Disabled -
python-xarray-einstats - - not built yet Disabled -
qaccessibilityclient 0.6.0-1 4 months ago succeeded Disabled -
qaccessibilityclient-qt5 0.6.0-1 4 months ago succeeded Disabled -
qwlroots - - not built yet Disabled -
qxmpp - - not built yet Disabled -
rdfind - - not built yet Disabled -
rdkit - - not built yet Disabled -
ruqola - - not built yet Disabled -
rust-slotmap - - not built yet Disabled -
sentrypeer - - not built yet Disabled -
shotcut - - not built yet Disabled -
simbody - - not built yet Disabled -
simpleini - - not built yet Disabled -
sioclient-cpp - - not built yet Disabled -
sqlfluff - - not built yet Disabled -
sqlfluff-doc - - not built yet Disabled -
strumpack - - not built yet Disabled -
tomlplusplus - - not built yet Disabled -
uftrace - - not built yet Disabled -
ut - - not built yet Disabled -
wolfssl 5.7.0-1 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
xeus-zmq - - not built yet Disabled -
xnvme - - not built yet Disabled -
zrythm - - not built yet Disabled -
zycore-c - - not built yet Disabled -
zydis - - not built yet Disabled -
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.