
Project ID: 16517

Project Packages

Name Last Build Version Last Build Submitted Last Build Status Automatic Build Actions
R-actuar - - not built yet Disabled -
R-AER - - not built yet Disabled -
R-akima - - not built yet Disabled -
R-alphahull - - not built yet Disabled -
R-alphashape3d - - not built yet Disabled -
R-ambient - - not built yet Disabled -
R-archive - - not built yet Disabled -
R-aws.ec2metadata 0.2.0-1 6 months ago succeeded Disabled -
R-aws.signature 0.6.0-2 6 months ago succeeded Disabled -
R-bayesplot - - not built yet Disabled -
R-bdsmatrix - - not built yet Disabled -
R-bibtex - - not built yet Disabled -
R-catdata - - not built yet Disabled -
R-checkmate - - not built yet Disabled -
R-CircStats - - not built yet Disabled -
R-classInt - - not built yet Disabled -
R-coin - - not built yet Disabled -
R-colourpicker - - not built yet Disabled -
R-conflicted 1.2.0-2 6 months ago succeeded Disabled -
R-conquer - - not built yet Disabled -
R-cowplot - - not built yet Disabled -
R-cubelyr - - not built yet Disabled -
R-Deriv - - not built yet Disabled -
R-DistributionUtils - - not built yet Disabled -
R-dotCall64 - - not built yet Disabled -
R-downloader - - not built yet Disabled -
R-e1071 - - not built yet Disabled -
R-ellipse - - not built yet Disabled -
R-evd - - not built yet Disabled -
R-expint - - not built yet Disabled -
R-fastICA - - not built yet Disabled -
R-fda - - not built yet Disabled -
R-feather 0.3.5-4 6 months ago succeeded Disabled -
R-fitdistrplus - - not built yet Disabled -
R-FNN - - not built yet Disabled -
R-fontquiver - - not built yet Disabled -
R-forcats 1.0.0-2 6 months ago succeeded Disabled -
R-Formula - - not built yet Disabled -
R-freetypeharfbuzz - - not built yet Disabled -
R-gam - - not built yet Disabled -
R-gargle 1.5.2-2 6 months ago succeeded Disabled -
R-GeneralizedHyperbolic - - not built yet Disabled -
R-GenSA - - not built yet Disabled -
R-geometries - - not built yet Disabled -
R-geometry - - not built yet Disabled -
R-geoR - - not built yet Disabled -
R-ggridges - - not built yet Disabled -
R-gmodels - - not built yet Disabled -
R-goftest - - not built yet Disabled -
R-googledrive 2.1.1-2 6 months ago succeeded Disabled -
R-googlePolylines - - not built yet Disabled -
R-googlesheets4 1.1.1-1 6 months ago succeeded Disabled -
R-googleVis - - not built yet Disabled -
R-graph - - not built yet Disabled -
R-gridBase - - not built yet Disabled -
R-gridExtra 2.3-1 6 months ago succeeded Disabled -
R-gridGraphics - - not built yet Disabled -
R-gsubfn - - not built yet Disabled -
R-ids 1.0.1-1 6 months ago succeeded Disabled -
R-intervals - - not built yet Disabled -
R-invgamma - - not built yet Disabled -
R-irlba - - not built yet Disabled -
R-ISOcodes - - not built yet Disabled -
R-jsonify - - not built yet Disabled -
R-kableExtra - - not built yet Disabled -
R-kernlab - - not built yet Disabled -
R-latticeExtra - - not built yet Disabled -
R-leaflet - - not built yet Disabled -
R-leaflet.providers - - not built yet Disabled -
R-leafpop - - not built yet Disabled -
R-leaps - - not built yet Disabled -
R-LearnBayes - - not built yet Disabled -
R-learnr - - not built yet Disabled -
R-libcoin - - not built yet Disabled -
R-linprog - - not built yet Disabled -
R-listviewer - - not built yet Disabled -
R-logspline - - not built yet Disabled -
R-lwgeom - - not built yet Disabled -
R-magic - - not built yet Disabled -
R-manipulateWidget - - not built yet Disabled -
R-mapdata - - not built yet Disabled -
R-MatrixModels - - not built yet Disabled -
R-misc3d - - not built yet Disabled -
R-ModelMetrics - - not built yet Disabled -
R-modeltools - - not built yet Disabled -
R-NLP - - not built yet Disabled -
R-nor1mix - - not built yet Disabled -
R-OceanView - - not built yet Disabled -
R-ore - - not built yet Disabled -
R-oz - - not built yet Disabled -
R-pamr - - not built yet Disabled -
R-PCICt - - not built yet Disabled -
R-pkgKitten - - not built yet Disabled -
R-pkgmaker - - not built yet Disabled -
R-plot3D - - not built yet Disabled -
R-plot3Drgl - - not built yet Disabled -
R-plotrix - - not built yet Disabled -
R-pls - - not built yet Disabled -
R-portfolio - - not built yet Disabled -
R-proto - - not built yet Disabled -
R-pryr - - not built yet Disabled -
R-quantmod - - not built yet Disabled -
R-quantreg - - not built yet Disabled -
R-ragg 1.2.5-5 6 months ago succeeded Disabled -
R-RandomFields - - not built yet Disabled -
R-RandomFieldsUtils - - not built yet Disabled -
R-RANN - - not built yet Disabled -
R-rapidjsonr - - not built yet Disabled -
R-raster - - not built yet Disabled -
R-RBGL - - not built yet Disabled -
R-RcppArmadillo - - not built yet Disabled -
R-RcppEigen - - not built yet Disabled -
R-RcppParallel - - not built yet Disabled -
R-RcppProgress - - not built yet Disabled -
R-readr 2.1.4-3 6 months ago succeeded Disabled -
R-RefManageR - - not built yet Disabled -
R-registry - - not built yet Disabled -
R-renv - - not built yet Disabled -
R-rgl - - not built yet Disabled -
R-Rgraphviz - - not built yet Disabled -
R-RJSONIO - - not built yet Disabled -
R-RMySQL - - not built yet Disabled -
R-RNetCDF - - not built yet Disabled -
R-rngtools - - not built yet Disabled -
R-roxygen - - not built yet Disabled -
R-RPostgreSQL - - not built yet Disabled -
R-rstudioapi 0.15.0-1 6 months ago succeeded Disabled -
R-sf - - not built yet Disabled -
R-sgeostat - - not built yet Disabled -
R-shape - - not built yet Disabled -
R-shinyjs - - not built yet Disabled -
R-shinythemes - - not built yet Disabled -
R-sitmo - - not built yet Disabled -
R-skewt - - not built yet Disabled -
R-slam - - not built yet Disabled -
R-sm - - not built yet Disabled -
R-spam - - not built yet Disabled -
R-spam64 - - not built yet Disabled -
R-sparkline - - not built yet Disabled -
R-SparseM - - not built yet Disabled -
R-spatstat - - not built yet Disabled -
R-spatstat.data - - not built yet Disabled -
R-spatstat.utils - - not built yet Disabled -
R-splancs - - not built yet Disabled -
R-spls - - not built yet Disabled -
R-stargazer - - not built yet Disabled -
R-stars - - not built yet Disabled -
R-statmod - - not built yet Disabled -
R-superpc - - not built yet Disabled -
R-svGUI - - not built yet Disabled -
R-svUnit - - not built yet Disabled -
R-tables - - not built yet Disabled -
R-TeachingDemos - - not built yet Disabled -
R-tensor - - not built yet Disabled -
R-terrainmeshr - - not built yet Disabled -
R-texreg - - not built yet Disabled -
R-threejs - - not built yet Disabled -
R-tidyverse 2.0.0-2 6 months ago succeeded Disabled -
R-tis - - not built yet Disabled -
R-tm - - not built yet Disabled -
R-tmaptools - - not built yet Disabled -
R-treemap - - not built yet Disabled -
R-tripack - - not built yet Disabled -
R-truncdist - - not built yet Disabled -
R-tseries - - not built yet Disabled -
R-TTR - - not built yet Disabled -
R-tzdb 0.4.0-4 6 months ago succeeded Disabled -
R-urca - - not built yet Disabled -
R-VarianceGamma - - not built yet Disabled -
R-vdiffr - - not built yet Disabled -
R-VennDiagram - - not built yet Disabled -
R-VGAM - - not built yet Disabled -
R-VGAMdata - - not built yet Disabled -
R-VGAMextra - - not built yet Disabled -
R-viridis - - not built yet Disabled -
R-vroom 1.6.4-5 6 months ago succeeded Disabled -
R-webshot - - not built yet Disabled -
R-widgetframe - - not built yet Disabled -
R-wk - - not built yet Disabled -
R-wkutils - - not built yet Disabled -
R-xlsx - - not built yet Disabled -
R-xlsxjars - - not built yet Disabled -
R-xts - - not built yet Disabled -
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.