
Project ID: 29397

Project Packages

Name Last Build Version Last Build Submitted Last Build Status Automatic Build Actions
golang-github-aerospike-client 1.27.0-1.fc32 4 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-amir-raidman 0-0.1.20200205git1ccc43b.fc32 4 years ago failed Disabled -
golang-github-azure-storage-queue 0.3.0-1.fc32 4 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-bsm-sarama-cluster 2.1.15-1.fc32 4 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-caio-tdigest 3.1.0-1.fc32 4 years ago failed Disabled -
golang-github-cisco-ie-nx-telemetry-proto 0-0.1.20200205git82441e2.fc32 4 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-eclipse-paho-mqtt 1.2.0-1.fc33 4 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-ericchiang-k8s 1.2.0-1.fc32 4 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-glinton-ping 0.1.3-1.fc32 4 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-goburrow-modbus 0.1.0-1.fc33 3 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-goburrow-serial 0.1.0-1.fc33 3 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-influxdata-tail 1.0.0-1.20200205gitc434825.fc32 4 years ago failed Disabled -
golang-github-influxdata-toml 0-0.1.20200205git2a2e301.fc32 4 years ago failed Disabled -
golang-github-influxdata-wlog 0-0.1.20200205git7c63b0a.fc32 4 years ago failed Disabled -
golang-github-leesper-rng 0-0.1.20200206gita612b04.fc32 4 years ago failed Disabled -
golang-github-mdlayher-apcupsd 0-0.1.20200213giteb3dd99.fc32 4 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-mellanox-rdmamap 1.0.0-1.fc33 3 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-microsoft-applicationinsights 0.4.2-1.20200205gitd813d77.fc32 4 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-multiplay-ts3 1.0.0-1.fc32 4 years ago failed Disabled -
golang-github-nsqio-nsq 1.0.8-1.fc32 4 years ago failed Disabled -
golang-github-olivere-env 1.1.0-1.fc32 4 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-shirou-gopsutil 2.20.2-1.fc32 4 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-shopify-sarama 1.26.1-1.fc33 4 years ago failed Disabled -
golang-github-soniah-gosnmp 1.27.0-1.fc33 3 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-tidwall-gjson 1.4.0-1.fc32 4 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-tidwall-match 1.0.1-1.fc32 4 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-vjeantet-grok 1.0.0-1.fc32 4 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-wavefronthq-wavefront-sdk 0.9.7-1.fc32 4 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-wvanbergen-kafka 0-0.1.20200205gite2edea9.fc32 4 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-github-wvanbergen-kazoo 0-0.1.20200205gitf72d861.fc32 4 years ago succeeded Disabled -
golang-gopkg-olivere-elastic-5 5.0.84-1.fc32 4 years ago succeeded Disabled -
telegraf 1.15.3-1.fc33 3 years ago failed Disabled -
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.