Xenithorb's Projects


gtk3-nocsd is a small module used to disable the client side decoration of GTK3
  • EPEL 7 : ppc64le, x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : i386, ppc64le, x86_64
  • Fedora 41 : i386, ppc64le, x86_64
  • Fedora 42 : i386, ppc64le, x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : i386, ppc64le, x86_64


Per patches from: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58746 A patched pulseaudio to fix stuttering bluetooth
  • Fedora 40 : x86_64
  • Fedora 41 : x86_64
  • Fedora 42 : x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : x86_64


Fedora's stock grub2 packages with http://grub.johnlane.ie patches added. Plagiarized from the above site: Examples Plain DMCrypt This example assumes the default cipher and passphrase hash. These defaults are the same as the ones in cryptsetup: aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 and ripemd160 passphrase hash. insmod cryptodisk cryptomount -p hd1,1 Plain DMCrypt access to LUKS volume This example opens a LUKS volume using plain DMCrypt. The volume master key is read from a file and the LUKS cipher and payload offset details are supplied as parameters. insmod cryptodisk cryptomount -p -k (hd0,1)/keyfile -K 256 -c aes-xts-plain64 -o 4096 hd1,1 LUKS This example opens a LUKS voume and is the only method supported by upstream Grub. insmod luks cryptomount hd1,1 The device may alternatively be specified using the UUID contained in the LUKS header. cryptomount -u af4b9159-8cbb-4122-b801-0c18adf26b3e LUKS with detached header This example opens a LUKS volume using a detached LUKS header. insmod luks cryptomount -H (hd0,1)/header hd1,1 LUKS with detached header and key file insmod luks cryptomount -H (hd0,1)/header -k (hd0,1)/keyfile hd1,1 LUKS with a 50 character passphrase embedded 30 bytes into key file. insmod luks cryptomount -k (hd0,1)/keyfile -O 30 -S 50 hd1,1
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : i386, x86_64
  • Fedora 41 : i386, x86_64
  • Fedora 42 : i386, x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : i386, x86_64


Description not filled in by author. Very likely personal repository for testing purpose, which you should not use.


SABnzbd makes Usenet as simple and streamlined as possible by automating everything it can. All you have to do is add an .nzb. SABnzbd takes over from there, where it will be automatically downloaded, verified, repaired, extracted and filed away with zero human interaction.
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : i386, ppc64le, x86_64
  • Fedora 41 : i386, ppc64le, x86_64
  • Fedora 42 : i386, ppc64le, x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : i386, ppc64le, x86_64


an open source chat solution - manually updated to track the Rocket.Chat.Electron develop branch. https://rocket.chat/
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : i386, x86_64
  • Fedora 41 : i386, x86_64
  • Fedora 42 : i386, x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : i386, x86_64


x2x packaged for Fedora


Growl For Linux is Linux-compatible Growl. Growl is a notification system for Mac OS X.
  • EPEL 7 : x86_64
  • Fedora 40 : i386, x86_64
  • Fedora 41 : i386, x86_64
  • Fedora 42 : i386, x86_64
  • Fedora rawhide : i386, x86_64


Updated keepass repo in line with keepass.info (official policy is to not include updates during releases)
  • Fedora rawhide : i386, x86_64