
Project ID: 52707

Project Builds

Warning! This is a large project with many packages and/or builds - we can not hold all the requested data on one page (as we usually do), please use the pagination buttons below the table.

Build ID Package Name Package Version Submitted Build Time Status
7794984 python-modal - 21 minutes ago 2 seconds failed
7794983 python-deephaven-plugin-matplotlib - 21 minutes ago 3 seconds failed
7794982 python-data-repo-client - 21 minutes ago 3 seconds failed
7794981 python-keras-nlp - 21 minutes ago 3 seconds failed
7794980 python-certora-cli-alpha-master 20240726.20.47.958664-1 21 minutes ago 7 minutes failed
7794979 python-lusid-sdk-preview 1.1.200-1 21 minutes ago 8 minutes failed
7794978 python-enact - 22 minutes ago 2 seconds failed
7794977 python-appmap 2.1.4-1 22 minutes ago 7 minutes failed
7794976 python-benchling-sdk 1.16.0-1 22 minutes ago 5 minutes failed
7794975 python-crds - 22 minutes ago 2 seconds failed
7794974 python-dragonfly-core 1.48.5-1 22 minutes ago 5 minutes failed
7794973 python-lusid-sdk 2.1.297-1 22 minutes ago 5 minutes failed
7794972 python-hikari-sake - 22 minutes ago 3 seconds failed
7794971 python-driftpy 0.7.78-1 22 minutes ago 6 minutes failed
7794970 python-biopipen 0.31.3-1 22 minutes ago 6 minutes failed
7794969 python-centralcli 6.0.1-1 22 minutes ago 6 minutes failed
7794968 python-glymur 0.13.5-1 22 minutes ago 5 minutes failed
7794967 python-lbt-dragonfly 0.11.269-1 22 minutes ago 7 minutes failed
7794946 python-wmill-pg 1.368.0-1 an hour ago 4 minutes failed
7794945 python-spanishconjugator - an hour ago 3 seconds failed
7794944 python-pyqentangle 4.0.2-1 an hour ago 4 minutes failed
7794943 python-spams-bin - an hour ago 4 seconds failed
7794942 python-teradatasql - an hour ago 3 seconds failed
7794941 python-scdl - an hour ago 3 seconds failed
7794940 python-qtstrap 0.6.4-1 an hour ago 7 minutes failed
7794939 python-windmill-api 1.368.0-1 an hour ago 9 minutes failed
7794938 python-wmill 1.368.0-1 an hour ago 4 minutes failed
7794936 python-shandy-sqlfmt 0.23.1-1 an hour ago 6 minutes failed
7794935 python-abstra 2.21.1-1 an hour ago 6 minutes failed
7794934 python-odoo-addon-l10n-es-aeat-sii-oca - an hour ago 3 seconds failed
7794933 python-scx 1.2.0-1 an hour ago 9 minutes failed
7794874 python-hat-gateway - 2 hours ago 4 seconds failed
7794873 python-carbon-black-cloud-sdk 1.5.6-1 2 hours ago 7 minutes failed
7794872 python-gmsh-scripts 0.4.5-1 2 hours ago 4 minutes failed
7794871 python-cybrid-api-organization-python 0.118.102-1 2 hours ago 5 minutes failed
7794870 python-ninjax 3.3.0-1 2 hours ago 4 minutes failed
7794869 python-certora-cli-alpha-master 20240726.19.46.411096-1 2 hours ago 5 minutes failed
7794868 python-appmap 2.1.3-1 2 hours ago 6 minutes failed
7794867 python-ccxt 4.3.68-1 2 hours ago 4 minutes failed
7794866 python-djaodjin-survey 0.12.2-1 2 hours ago 4 minutes failed
7794865 python-napf 0.1.0-1 2 hours ago 5 minutes failed
7794863 python-gapic-generator - 2 hours ago 3 seconds failed
7794862 python-inspqcommun - 2 hours ago 4 seconds failed
7794861 python-elements 3.12.3-1 2 hours ago 7 minutes failed
7794860 python-nbdev - 2 hours ago 4 seconds failed
7794859 python-ape-foundry 0.8.2-1 2 hours ago 5 minutes failed
7794858 python-mugicli - 2 hours ago 4 seconds failed
7794857 python-cdk-image-pipeline 0.5.55-1 2 hours ago 5 minutes failed
7794856 python-finlab - 2 hours ago 3 seconds failed
7794855 python-airbyte-cdk 3.9.5-1 2 hours ago 5 minutes failed
1 - 50 of 960367
of 19208
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.