
Project ID: 52707

Project Builds

Warning! This is a large project with many packages and/or builds - we can not hold all the requested data on one page (as we usually do), please use the pagination buttons below the table.

Build ID Package Name Package Version Submitted Build Time Status
3040982 python-aigpy 2021.12.10.1-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3040981 python-walrus 0.8.2-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3040980 python-tuf 0.19.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3040979 python-better-exceptions - 2 years ago a minute failed
3040978 python-aws-cdk-aws-opsworks - 2 years ago a minute failed
3040977 python-aws-cdk-aws-directoryservice - 2 years ago a minute failed
3040976 python-unihandecode 0.81-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040975 python-vcrpy-unittest 0.1.7-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3040974 python-robocorp-dialog - 2 years ago a minute failed
3040973 python-carta-ach 0.4.5-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3040972 python-dagster-pagerduty 0.13.11-1.fc34 2 years ago 3 minutes failed
3040971 python-libnacl 1.8.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040970 python-future-annotations 1.0.0-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3040969 python-css-html-js-minify 2.5.5-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3040968 python-penaltymodel-cache 0.4.4-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes failed
3040967 python-django-colorful 1.3-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040966 python-aws-cdk-aws-dlm - 2 years ago a minute failed
3040096 python-pystan 3.3.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040095 python-azure-mgmt-web 5.0.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040094 python-geoip2 4.5.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040093 python-azure-batch 11.0.0-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes failed
3040092 python-flask-swagger 0.2.14-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040091 python-efficientnet-pytorch 0.7.1-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040090 python-apache-airflow-providers-postgres 2.4.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040089 python-requests-async 0.6.2-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040088 python-textfsm 1.1.2-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040087 python-xmlsec 1.3.12-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040086 python-types-futures 3.3.1-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040085 python-mypy-boto3-dynamodb 1.20.18-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040084 python-datasets 1.16.1-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040082 python-parallel-ssh 2.8.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040081 python-fastdiff 0.3.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040080 python-aioresponses 0.7.2-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040079 python-apache-airflow-providers-tableau 2.1.2-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3040078 python-htpasswd 2.3-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes failed
3039801 python-flake8-mock 0.3-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3039800 python-newspaper 2 years ago a minute failed
3039799 python-onesignal-sdk 2.0.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3039798 python-requests-ftp 0.3.1-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3039797 python-neuralcoref 4.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3039796 python-pyqldb 3.2.2-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes failed
3039795 python-pymc 2.3.8-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3039794 python-pycfmodel - 2 years ago 22 seconds failed
3039793 python-urlman 2.0.1-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3039792 python-sift 5.0.1-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3039791 python-dwavebinarycsp 0.1.3-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3039790 python-django-defender 0.9.1-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3039789 python-cfgrib 2 years ago a minute failed
3039788 python-bullet 2.2.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3039787 python-dukpy 0.2.3-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
935201 - 935250 of 942352
of 18848
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.