
Project ID: 52707

Project Builds

Warning! This is a large project with many packages and/or builds - we can not hold all the requested data on one page (as we usually do), please use the pagination buttons below the table.

Build ID Package Name Package Version Submitted Build Time Status
3010643 python-toml 0.10.2-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3010641 python-sqlalchemy 1.4.27-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes failed
3010640 python-pyasn1-modules 0.2.8-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3010639 python-aiohttp 3.8.1-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3010638 python-itsdangerous 2.0.1-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3010637 python-yarl 1.7.2-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3010636 python-cachetools 4.2.4-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3010635 python-flask 2.0.2-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010634 python-multidict 5.2.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3010633 python-requests-oauthlib 1.3.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3010631 python-google-auth 2.3.3-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010630 python-werkzeug 2.0.2-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3010629 python-oauthlib - 2 years ago a minute failed
3010628 python-chardet 4.0.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3010627 python-pyjwt 2.3.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3010626 python-pycparser 2.21-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010624 python-google-api-core 2.2.2-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3010623 python-docutils 0.18.1-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010622 python-cryptography 36.0.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3010621 python-pandas 1.3.4-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes failed
3010620 python-protobuf 3.19.1-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3010619 python-zipp 3.6.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3010617 python-pytz 2021.3-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3010616 python-importlib-metadata 4.8.2-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3010615 python-cffi 1.15.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute failed
3010614 python-pyparsing 3.0.6-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010612 python-attrs 21.2.0-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3010611 python-markupsafe 2.0.1-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3010610 python-packaging 21.3-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010609 python-jinja2 3.0.3-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010608 python-numpy - 2 years ago 2 minutes failed
3010607 python-pip 21.3.1-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010606 python-click 8.0.3-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3010605 python-rsa 4.8-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010604 python-pyasn1 0.4.8-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010603 python-wheel 0.37.0-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010602 python-charset-normalizer 2.0.9-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010601 python-colorama 0.4.4-1.fc34 2 years ago 3 minutes succeeded
3010600 python-awscli 1.22.21-1.fc34 2 years ago 4 minutes failed
3010599 python-typing-extensions 4.0.1-1.fc34 2 years ago a minute succeeded
3010598 python-jmespath 0.10.0-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010597 python-certifi 2021.10.8-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010596 python-pyyaml 6.0-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010595 python-requests 2.26.0-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010594 python-idna 3.3-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010593 python-dateutil 2.8.2-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010592 python-six 1.16.0-1.fc34 2 years ago 3 minutes succeeded
3010591 python-s3transfer 0.5.0-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes succeeded
3010590 python-setuptools 59.5.0-1.fc34 2 years ago 2 minutes failed
3010589 python-boto3 1.20.21-1.fc34 2 years ago 4 minutes succeeded
942301 - 942350 of 942352
of 18848
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.