
Project ID: 61429


A kernel from Mobian for PinePhone Pro support, but merged with Fedora kernel infrastructure.

You will require an UEFI-compatible partition layout (along with grub, shim, grubby). For example one of those:

  • A ready image:
  • OSBuild for building the image:

Alternative kernels for UEFI images (all are based on Fedora kernel, so anything that works on Fedora, eg. virtualization, containers, nftables, should work with those as well):

  • mobianpppfdr - contains a Mobian kernel for PPP. It is generally a conservative set of patches that works stable.
  • megieg25m-stable - contains a stable Megi kernel (with patches needed to support eg25-manager) which may support PP in addition to PPP. Aims to support all the hardware.
  • megieg25m - contains an unstable Megi kernel (with patches needed to support eg25-manager) which may support PP in addition to PPP. Aims to support all the hardware. Those images may not work.
  • javierm's cross-distro kernel - contains a minimal set of patches in process of upstreaming needed to support PPP

Source: branch mobianpppfdr on

Those images are provided on a best-effort basis, but there's no guarantee provided that they will work. See also: Fedora Mobility SIG

Installation Instructions

In order to ensure, that you don't accidentally upgrade to an upstream kernel (which doesn't work on PinePhone Pro as of now), edit /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-rawhide.repo or /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo and in [rawhide] or [fedora] section add:


Now, execute the following commands:

dnf copr enable marcin/kernel-efi-mobianpppfdr dnf update

For modem support you will require eg25-manager.

If you use Tow-Boot (or any non-Fedora U-Boot), ensure to \cp -a /boot/dtb/ /boot/efi/ after each kernel installation, otherwise you will use Tow-Boot's device tree, which may be outdated and cause certain hardware support to be missing.

Active Releases

The following unofficial repositories are provided as-is by owner of this project. Contact the owner directly for bugs or issues (IE: not bugzilla).

Release Architectures Repo Download
Fedora 39 aarch64 (28)* Fedora 39 (0 downloads)
Fedora 40 aarch64 (32)* Fedora 40 (23 downloads)
Fedora 41 aarch64 (25)* Fedora 41 (8 downloads)
Fedora 42 aarch64 (0)* Fedora 42 (1 downloads)
Fedora rawhide aarch64 (43)* Fedora rawhide (54 downloads)

* Total number of downloaded packages.

Quick Enable

#> dnf copr enable marcin/kernel-efi-mobianpppfdr
More info about enabling Copr repositories

Other Actions